5 Tips to Help Prevent a Fire in Your Home
1/21/2019 (Permalink)
Dealing with the aftermath of a fire in your home or business can be costly, time-consuming and emotional. Therefore it’s important to take certain precautions to prevent or decrease the likelihood of a fire. These helpful tips provided by the NPFA can reduce the probability of a fire in your home or office;
- Watch your cooking! You should always stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling or broiling food. Remember to never let young children near the stove or oven while you are cooking.
- Give space heaters space! It’s best to keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn.
- Keep matches and lighters out of reach! The safest place to keep matches and lighters is in high cabinets, preferably under a child lock.
- Inspect electrical cords! You should replace cords that are cracked, damaged, have broken plugs, or loose connections.
- Be careful when using candles! Be sure to keep candles at least one foot away from anything that will burn.
Not all fires are caused by things we have control over. Some fires can be caused by unavoidable acts of nature or unpredictable accidents. Just in case one of these catastrophes may happen, keep in mind that a fire escape plan for your family or crew is always a good idea! Try practicing it at least twice a year. In the event of fire damages SERVPRO of West Beaver is available around the clock to offer exceptional response time and trained professionals ready to restore your property!